
2023 - 2031 6th Cycle Housing Element & Analysis Fair Housing Analysis

To address the City’s housing goals, a variety of environmental, regional, budgetary, and quality

of life issues must be addressed. These constraints include the following:

Environmental and Historic Features. San Juan Bautista has many natural and historic
features, which provide for a unique quality of life for residents.
Planned Growth. San Juan Bautista has developed in a compact fashion due, in part, to
the topography, the San Andreas Fault, and adjoining agricultural activities. This growth
has been planned to coincide with the availability of both municipal water and sanitary
Budgetary Constraints. The availability of funds to support housing programs is uncertain,
but is expected to be more robust in this housing element period, perhaps enabling San
Juan Bautista to better address its local housing needs.
Maintaining Community Character. San Juan Bautista residents are committed to
maintaining the rural character, historic resources, agricultural economy, environmental
features, and other unique aspects of the community.

What is the Purpose of the 2023-2031 General Plan Housing Element & Fair Housing Analysis?

San Juan Bautista must address key housing challenges over the 2023- 031 planning period. These challenges include: (1) providing sites for additional housing; (2) providing for a range in types and prices of housing; (3) looking at ways to address the need to improve and rehabilitate housing and neighborhoods; (4) providing for those with special housing needs; and 5) maintaining and improving the local environment and quality of life in San Juan Bautista. The 2023-2031 Housing Element addresses each of these issues.

Document Center
5th Cycle Housing Element   Full Document Here
6th Cycle Draft Housing Element  Full Document Here