
Projects of Community Interest

2023 - 2031 6th Cycle Housing Element & Analysis Fair Housing Analysis

Strategic Plan
High-Level Organizational, Financial, and Law Enforcement Review

Active Transportation Plan (ATP)

The San Juan Bautista Active Transportation and Community Connectivity Plan will guide the City as it moves to implement projects that improve conditions for walking and bicycling throughout San Juan Bautista using an intensive participatory planning effort. This project will develop a community-driven plan that builds on the initial trail, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements in the draft Parks Master Plan.

Community Plan - Sphere of Influence
The Community Plan for the City of San Juan Bautista is intended to amend and add to the City’s current General Plan, the policy document that guides land use and development within the current City limits.  The purpose of the Community Plan is to address land use and growth on the edges of the current city limits, and potentially expand those limits for both growth and preservation.

Community Charrette Wednesday May 4, 2022